Datapages and eCovers

Highly secure state-of-the-art datapage technology
  • Datapage

HID Global manufactures electronic and non-electronic datapages, as well as eCovers to upgrade machine readable passports to fully ICAO-compliant electronic ones.

Polycarbonate Datapages

HID manufactures advanced polycarbonate datapages that comply with the durability standards of ICAO. Laser-engraving the personal data and the picture allows advanced protection of data and a high-definition portrait, making identification easier for border control officers. Additionally, polycarbonate offers the possibility to add more security features to this sensitive identification document than any other material. Our world-class design team works closely with governments to craft datapages that reflect local themes and culture while aligning with industry best practices. Our innovations include our crack prevention feature, durable hinge technology and HID Mirage™, which is an exclusive HID 5-in-1 security feature. Our datapages are also available with RFID functionalities and ICAO-compliant Common Criteria certified SOMA™ chip operating systems, while still ensuring compatibility with standard passport lines such as UNO or KUGLER equipment, thus minimizing investment in new equipment.


Covering 100% of the market, HID Global's portfolio of eCovers provides state printers with high-quality, ready-to-use products that craft modern electronic passport booklets. Our eCovers have been designed to perfectly fit all machine brands traditionally used to manufacture passport booklets, such as Kugler-Wamako or UNO. Our eCovers are manufactured in house by gluing Paperlam or Teslin® T-Lam inlays to the cover, whether textile or paper-based.

  • Datapage
  • Datapage